Calgary Legion 285 Service Officer -
Dave McKay Service Officer
Hello Randy,
I'm sorry to hear that you're having a very difficult time. It must be
very rough to live with this and for your family.
I'm not sure what more I could do to voice anything to Command. Mike
Burgess is your most effective voice there. With the documentation
you've allowed him to share that is/should help VAC processes.
If I could know, you've indicated you have full disability, so then
you're at 100% or more for VAC disability award amounts?
It sounds like your condition has been recognized by VAC (after appeals)
and the Legion has the documentation to help others making similar
claims and that can help them get recognition. My understanding is that
the professional Command service officers circulate the successful
processes within their organization. The best thing a veteran can do is
get a Command service officer involved in their case(s), either directly
or through a branch service officer such as myself.
I'm unclear at this point what else you would like VAC to address if
your condition has recognition? It sounds like you're wanting
legislation passed federally, and that seems like something for your MP,
and others in Parliament, perhaps ministers, to be pushed into
introducing legislation. I see you mention having spoken with your MP.
Dave McKay, CD
Branch Service Officer
285 Service Officer Dave McKay |